Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 25, 2011


ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS: Jostens will be back on campus Thursday, March 31, during lunch, located outside the library to accept orders for class rings. Class ring packets are available in the Media Center and Finance Office window if needed. Hurry seniors, this is your last on campus opportunity to order your class ring in time for graduation.-Jostens


ATTENTION SENIOR FEMALE ATHLETES: The Lady Q Scholarship Application is due March 28 to Mrs. Bobis in the Counseling Center. Applications are still available. Pick one up in the Counseling Center.-Bobis

The Serra Symphonic and Choral Music Boosters is offering music scholarships to students who have been previously enrolled or currently enrolled in choir or orchestra at Serra High School. Application is available on Naviance or see Mr. Boughner in Room 405.-Bobis