Friday, March 18, 2011

March 21, 2011


ATTENTION STUDENTS: The recent disaster in Japan has left a world leader in the biotechnology industry in devastation. Your biotech class is taking action at Spring Showcase. Come by Room 700 to explore the process of DNA extraction. Extract your own DNA or plant DNA for a small donation.-Senegar

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: Be sure to attend Spring Showcase and help your class by buying some hot chocolate and frozen yogurt.- Remember this is to support your class of 2011.-Schmidt

STAR VIDEO: Do you have the talent to come up with this year's new STAR VIDEO? Get your group together or come solo to the informational meeting today during lunch in the ASB Room.-Schmidt

PEP RALLY: Another pep rally is coming up and that means another chance to become a pep rally emcee. Tryouts are this Wednesday during lunch in the ASB Room. See you there!-Schmidt

ATTENTION FRESHMEN: We are having a class meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Hall's room. Come and support your class!-Hall

ATTENTION SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS: If you are planning to apply for Link Crew for the 2011-2012 school year, make sure to pick up your application in Mrs. Hall's Room 206 or in any 10th or 11th grade history class. Applications are due March 25th.-Hall


ATTENTION SENIOR FEMALE ATHLETES: The Lady Q Scholarship Application is due March 28 to Mrs. Bobis in the Counseling Center. Applications are still available in the Counseling Center-Bobis

THE SERRA SYMPHONIC AND CHORAL MUSIC BOOSTERS is offering music scholarships to students who have been previously enrolled or currently enrolled in choir or orchestra at Serra High School. Application is available on Naviance or see Mr. Boughner in Room 405-Bobis


ATTENTION MEMBERS OF LADIES OF SCIENCE IN THE CITY: Want to spend the day living your dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist, Pathologist, or Biomedical Engineer? Eager to get started on your career in science by landing the perfect summer internship? Attend the Ladies of Science meeting tomorrow at lunch in Dr. Senegar-Mitchell's Room 700 and sign up for exciting opportunities such as the San Diego County Sheriff's Crime Lab Workshop, Scripps Mercy Hospital Pathology Lab Workshop and a host of other fieldtrips, activities, and summer internships. See you at the lunchtime meeting tomorrow in Room 700 and begin living your dreams of a career in science TODAY!-Senegar