Thursday, January 31, 2013

February 1, 2013


Attention all seniors wanting to go to Grad Nite. Final Grad Nite sign ups are:  Feb 5, 6th, 7th (Tues, Wed, Thur)  at Lunch! Please bring, $125 cash, check or money order made out to the Senior Parent Booster. The GradNite Agreement Form, which needs your parent's signature.
And the Medical Release form which must have your parent's signature and emergency contact number.  The forms can be downloaded from the Senior year link on the Serra web site.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 31, 2013


Latino Seniors: There will be a Financial Aid /FAFSA Workshop will be held on Thursday, Feb 7th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Media Center (Room 305) for Hispanic parents.  This important workshop is to assist Hispanic senior students who will be enrolling in community/CSU/UC system.  Please plan to attend.

Attention Late bus riders: Students that ride the 3:30 or 5:15pm bus are NOT allowed to leave campus and then return to campus for the bus ride.  Bus drivers are instructed to NOT allow you on the bus if you are caught walking back onto campus.  Late bus privileges are specifically for those students involved in after school activities held on campus.


Are you still interested in playing a spring sport but you missed Tuesday's spring sports meeting in the gym? Do you want to improve your quickness, stamina, and agility during the off-season of your favorite fall or winter sport? Would you like to try a new sport with some of your best friends? OR, is it your goal to make it to the #1 spot on Serra High School's Badminton ladder? Either way... Male or female, a veteran from last year's team or a straight up rookie, please stop by Mr. Marchetti's in room 703 today at lunch. Anyone that is interested in being a member of the badminton team, come to today's lunchtime meeting, and you're well on your way up the Serra ladder. Can you make it to the top?
Do you put the 'bad' in 'badminton? Come to the meeting in room 703 today. It'll surely be a smashing event!"


Monday, January 28, 2013

January 29, 2012


Semester 2 and Quarter 3 classes for Ihigh Virtual Academy have begun.  If you are enrolled in a course, you MUST attend an orientation after school Monday or Tuesday with Ms. Dreyer in Room 417B.  This is not an optional orientation, it is mandatory.  Student who do not complete this task will be dropped from their course.