Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2, 2016


Do you love wolves? Are you interested in Wild Life Biology? Then read Never Cry Wolf, this month's book club selection. It dispels the myths that surrounded wolves in the 70s and entertains readers with humorous antidotes from the field. Join us in reading Farley Mowat’s memoir of his life among the wolves of Alaska as a  wild life biologist straight out of college. Drop by the library to pick up a copy today. We will meet December 8th @ lunch in 303.

If you're interested in FREE MONEY for school, come to the scholarship search workshop TODAY AT LUNCH in the media center computer lab. Come get assistance finding and applying for scholarships, your Cal-SOAP college peer adviser knows where to find them! 

Do you want to do better in school? AVID helps students succeed in school, plan for college, and get financial aid. Even if its not in your class schedule you can benefit from AVID strategies by joining our club. The AVID club is moving to room 303 in the Media Center Fridays at lunch beginning today. Any interested students are welcome to join.