Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 17, 2014


Shoe drive doesn't end until Monday, January 27th.  we have quite a few more shoes to collect to reach our goal of 2,000 pairs of shoes.  deliver the collected shoes to Ms. Bachofner, room 407 .  The class collecting the most will get a pizza party.
 Mr, Viilanueva is leading the pack, Mr. Schimidt, and Ms. Bachofner a close second.
 Keep those shoes a coming in......

All students currently enrolled in an Ihigh course for Fall semester or Quarter 2, the final deadline is January 21.  You MUST have all work and your final exam completed by January 21 at noon.  Make arrangements with Ms. Dreyer in Room 417B as soon as possible to ensure you finish your course properly.

REQUESTS FOR EARLY RELEASE (Blue Slips) must be submitted BEFORE 7:00a.m.on the day of release (parents may phone

in PRIOR to 08:00 a.m. or send a note with your student and he/she must bring it to the Attendance Office PRIOR to 7:30 a.m.)  Requests for early release received after 8:00 a.m. on the day of release cannot be honored. WE CANNOT ISSUE BLUE SLIPS DURING FINALS, OR OTHER TESTING DAYS (CAHSEE, CSTs, etc.)  PLEASE NOTE:  We do not have office monitors and cannot deliver blue slips to the classrooms.  Students MUST pick up their Blue Slip in the Attendance Office. 

Students who become ill during the school day MUST visit the Health Office for assessment. 

If is determined that a student needs to go home, parents will be contacted and the Health Office staff will issue the Blue Slip.

To all students who are interested in attending the High School Conference at UCSD.  This is a free day-long event where you will go on a campus tour and attend workshops to learn more about college in general and skills that are important to college. The event will take place on Saturday, January 25, 2014 in the PC East Ballroom at UC San Diego. It begins at 9 AM and will end around 4:00PM.
The application is due Jan 18th by 12:00PM. See Ms. Turnberg in the counseling office for the link to the application and wavier forms.