Friday, January 18, 2013

January 22, 2013


Attention Late bus riders:  Students that ride the 3:30 or 5:15pm bus are NOT allowed to leave campus and then return to campus for the bus ride.  Bus drivers are instructed to NOT allow you on the bus if you are caught walking back onto campus.  This includes leaving campus for any reason, including McDonalds.  Late bus privileges are specifically for those students involved in after school activities held on campus.

ATTENTION STUDENTS:   We do not issue Blue Slip  during finals.  If you have a scheduled appointment, you must let the Attendance Office know by Tuesday January 22. Blue slips will not be sent out to classrooms during finals!

Attention anyone interested in Zumba fitness. Zumba will now be after school on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3pm in room 400. All students are welcome.  For more information stop by the rec room (room 201) during lunch or after school. How did you score on the PSAT and what does it mean? Find out at the GEAR UP PSAT Score Review Night Thursday, January 24, 2013 6:00 -7:00 p.m. in the Serra High School Media Center

Latino Seniors: There will be a Financial Aid /FAFSA Workshop will be held on Thursday, Feb 7th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Media Center (Room 305) for Hispanic parents.  This important workshop is to assist Hispanic senior students who will be enrolling in community/CSU/UC system.  Please plan to attend.

Attention all students: Do you need extra help getting ready for finals? Tutoring is available after school TODAY to help you be 100% prepared for finals! There will be extra tutors to available to help students in Math and Science. Don’t forget Tutoring will be today afterschool in the Media center! Next week we will continue with our regular schedule of tutoring, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school!

Hey seniors! Are you interested in helping choose the theme for this years prom?! Come by the ASB room TODAY at lunch to discuss an after school visit to the prom venue. This is your chance to get involved in prom planning 2013. See you there!