Friday, November 16, 2012

November 26, 2012


Juniors & Seniors: We have 66 students participating in the National Hispanic College Fair. There are only  20 seats available for the National College Fair.  It will take place on Monday, December 3rd from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the University of San Diego.  Please get your permission slip in the Counseling Office.  The deadline is Monday, November 26 and there will be no exceptions.

The IMIN After School Program will be offering the SECOND Drivers Education Class of the year. Golden State Driving School will be on campus on Mondays, December 3rd, 10th, and 17th from 2:30 - 3:30. For more information and sign ups, go to room 201 (next to the student store) during lunch or afterschool. Space is limited!


Attention Circle of Friends club members- We will be having a peer friend training this Thursday, Nov. 29th during WIT. Please get a form from Ms. Martin to get permission to miss your Advisory class that day. This training will be in the media patio. Please come with your questions and be ready for some helpful information. See you there.