Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 28, 2013


The Class of 2013 Senior Picture for the yearbook will be taken 4th period on Thursday the 28th. No signs are allowed but colorful shirts are encouraged. 

Attention Seniors! Yearbook wants a baby picture of you to put in the yearbook. Totally free!! The deadline to bring in a picture is March 7th. Don’t miss your chance!

GEAR UP Class of 2014 & 2015
Attention Sophomores and Juniors, This year’s Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Conference will take place on Friday, March 8 at San Diego State University. Event will provide admission information for SDSU, hands-on workshops, entertainment/prizes, and much more. If you would like to attend please see Mr. Garcia or Ms. Holly in the GEAR UP office for a permission slip. Space is limited!

AP Students:  Remember to order your AP tests.  You must pay at the finance window by March 8th.  Don’t forget!

Attention former Farb Middle School students.  Do you have books that you need to return to Farb? Then bring them to the Serra Library and they will be returned for you.