Friday, February 22, 2013

February 25, 2013


 Hey seniors! Want a fundraiser that requires only a simple class vote? Well that's what we have for you! Come to an important class meeting Tuesday February 26th at lunch in the ASB room ! Proms right around the corner, lets make it awesome!

Seniors, please clear all overdue or lost books with the library before graduation.  Also, all students return your overdue book by Friday, March 1st and your fine will be dismissed. If you have any questions about your books, ask the library staff.

The IMIN After School Program will be offering the THIRD Drivers Education Class of the year. Golden State Driving School will be on campus on Mondays, March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 2:30 - 3:30. For more information and sign ups, go to room 201 (next to the student store) during lunch or afterschool. Space is limited!

Attention all students: Do you need to use a computer after school? Do you need help on homework or projects? The Computer Lab in room 201B, next to the Rec. Room, is now open every day after school from 2:30-5:00.

The Class of 2013 Senior Picture for the yearbook will be taken 4th period on Thursday the 28th. No signs are allowed but colorful shirts are encouraged. 

Attention Seniors! Yearbook wants a baby picture of you to put in the yearbook. Totally free!! The deadline to bring in a picture is March 7th. Don’t miss your chance!