Students: Please submit any community service hours to Room 201B by Wednesday, May 25th. You will be notified when certificates are ready for pick-up. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Leboffe or Mr. Munns in Room 201B.
Attention students: On Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th the Student 2 Student Club will be sponsoring Yellow Ribbon activities to support and raise awareness for suicide prevention. On Tuesday look for the Yellow wall display to write encouraging messages to fellow students. Wednesday is Wear Yellow Day. All support is welcome! -Mr. Dyson
Attention all Seniors: You will soon be notified of the date of your Senior Exhibition presentation. When preparing for your presentation, please remember to save your powerpoint file on a flash drive or CD so it can be easily loaded onto one of the school computers. As a backup send the file to your personal email. -Mrs. Byrd
Attention all Juniors: We need more Juniors to volunteer as panelists for Senior Exhibitions next Thursday May 26th and Friday May 27th. Sign-up sheets are in the main office. Please see Mrs. Byrd if you're interested.
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: PROM is only a few weeks away and prom tickets are now on sale! Go to the Financial Office before school, during lunch, or after school to buy them. Ticket prices are $65 with an ASB card, $70 without. Buy yours TODAY!-Schmidt
Hey there conquistadors! Have you been wondering how you join the flag team that marches with the band at halftimes of football games? Come to our color guard workshop on Wednesday and Thursday May 25th and 26th from 5-6:30. Meet at the lunch tables next to the band room, room 404. Do you like to dance and perform? Are you ready to spin the equipment? Then meet us for our color guard workshop. Wear athletic clothing! No experience necessary! Come join us!-Rea
CROSS COUNTRY: A mandatory meeting for returning and new runners for next year's team will be held on Tuesday, May 31 at lunch in the PE bungalow. Information for summer workouts and uniforms will be handed out.-Giles