Hey there conquistadors! Have you been wondering how you join the flag team that marches with the band at halftimes of football games? Come to our color guard workshop on Wednesday and Thursday May 25th and 26th from 5-6:30. Meet at the lunch tables next to the band room, room 404. Do you like to dance and perform? Are you ready to spin the equipment? Then meet us for our color guard workshop. Wear athletic clothing! No experience necessary! Come join us!-Rea
Attention Circle of Friends members- TODAY, May 20th, during Adivsory AND lunch we will have the Circle of Friends club from De Portola visiting us. We will be meeting in the media center patio for BOTH advisory and lunch. We will send you a pass to get out of your advisory class. Bring your lunch, we will have crafts and a treat. Come and join us for the fun!-Martin