AP STUDENTS: Time is running out to sign up for your AP tests! Do not delay! Download the forms from the Serra website or come to the office to pick one up. Deadline is March 11.-Allen
THE OPPORTUNITIES AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM will be offering the next Driver's Ed. class with our NEW school, Golden Gate Driving School. Classes will be held March 7, 14, and 21 from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Computer Lab located in the Media Center. For more information and sign ups go to Room 401 during lunch or after school. More classes will be available in April and May. Space is limited in ALL classes!-Vasquez
ATTENTION CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: We are having a bowling party on Saturday, March 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 at Kearny Mesa Bowl. Please pick up a flyer outside of Miss Martin's room in the Media Center. This will be a fun chance for our club members to do something fun outside of school. Hope you can make it!
CSF: Do you have a GPA of 3.5 or higher? Are you interested in having academic distinction at graduation? Do you want the coveted gold cords? Then you need to be a member of CSF. Come see Mrs. Nelson in Room 413, or Mrs. Clark in Room 221 and pick up an application. Applications for all students for last semester's grades (and all previous semesters) must be turned in by March 28. Remember, you must apply for each semester.-Nelson