Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 18, 2011

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: The senior class meeting has been rescheduled for today in the ASB Room. See you there!-Schmidt

ATTENTION FRESHMEN: We will be having a class meeting on Monday, March 21 during lunch in Mrs. Hall's Room. Come in and support your class!-Hall

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS: There will be a class meeting during lunch today to discuss the approval of fundraisers. Stop by Room 411 and help out the junior class.-Schmidt

ATTENTION FRESHMEN: If you have been attending GEAR UP Tutoring in Room 207 or 213, and have improved your grades, you may be eligible for the SIX FLAGS Field Trip on April 1. See Mr. French at Tutoring on March 22 to pick up a permission slip and progress report.-Holly

ATTENTION CIRCLE OF FRIENDS! We will be having a St. Patrick's Day Bingo game today in the media center patio. Please see Miss Marting if you have any questions. Just bring your lunch and come play bingo for a chance to win a prize!- Martin

he day living your dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist, Pathalogist, or Biomedical Engineer? Eager to get started on your career in science by landing the perfect summer internship? Attend the Ladies of Science meeting on TUESDAY, March 22 at lunch in Dr. Senegar-Mitchell's room 700 and sign-up for exciting opportunities such as the San Diego County Sheriff's Crime Lab Workshop, Scripps Mercy Hospital Pathology Lab Workshop and a host of other fieldtrips, activities, and summer internships. See you all and begin living your dreams of a career in science TODAY!-Senegar