Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016


ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS: The second session of Night School for Social Science will begin on November 28th to February 2.  Please see your counselor asap if you need to make up a Social Studies credit.  Night School will be with Mr. Demendonca in Room 605 from 2:30-5:00 each day except on Wednesdays.    

It’s Mock Election time at Serra High! On Friday, November 4th Serra students will be participating in a Mock election for US President and certain California ballot measures. 9th graders will be voting in their English classes and 10-12th graders in their social studies classes. Many of you are completing class projects to get ready- if you are not check out the 200 hallway to learn more about the propositions you will be voting on. Get in the spirit and get ready to practice one of your fundamental democratic responsibilities: voting!

Yearbook is asking all seniors for baby pictures to be featured in the 2016-2017 yearbook!! To be a part of the baby boom section, please bring a copy of your baby picture in a sealed envelope to Mrs. Nelson's room (room 413) with your name and period 4 teacher. There will be a box in room 413 where you can drop off your pictures. IT IS DUE BY NOV 10. Thanks for participating!

Dia de los muertos celebration (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2).  It is a time to remember those who have passed on before us. Ms. Kilmer's Spanish 5-6 classes have set up an altar in the Media Center. You are welcome to contribute to the altar by bringing a photo and an item that represents the life of an important person to you.

"Do you love animals? Seek to gain their friendship? Obtain their loyalty and form an army?   Whatever the case, come by at lunch to room 203 this Friday, November 4th, for the Animal Lovers' club meeting, and, in a display of shameless bribery, pizza will be provided. Hope you can join us."

Congratulations to our Navy JROTC team for placing 3rd overall this weekend in the all district competition this weekend!   

Come join us for fun and games every Wednesday at 2:30 in Room 402 for IMPROV. 

 The costume club will meet on Wednesday at 2:30 in Room 402.  Come and try your hand at designing and sewing.

All seniors interested in going to Arizona State University, the rep from ASU will be here on Friday at lunch in Room 401.  Come and meet with him and find out more about this great school.