Do you enjoy movies and snacks? Then join the Movie Club
every Friday at lunch in room 623.-Garcia
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test
will be offered to interested sophomores, juniors, and seniors on Wednesday, March 23rd from 7:30AM to 10:30AM. The exam will be
held in the Media Center.The ASVAB is a military entrance exam, but
is also an excellent tool for students with no interest in the military to
identify strengths, interests, and future academic and occupational
success. Students who are interested, can sign up in the Counseling
For more information regarding ASVAB please
visit www.asvabprogram.com.-Iliria
What would you do if you met the love of your
life in high school? In this month's book club selection The Fault in Our
Stars two cancer support group members begin to really feel alive when they
find eachother. Join us Thursday, March 10th as we discuss John Green's CYRM
award winner. We will also be selecting our next book. Snacks are provided and
everyone is welcome.-Gilbert
Anime Club is
having a sketch contest and all are welcome to participate. Submit your
finest work to Mr. Runge in room 619 by March 22nd. All sketches will be
judged by club members on March 24th, with the winner receiving a cool
Anime-themed prize.
Juniors & Seniors: The last session of Night School will begin on April 4th and end May
13th. If you need to make up class in which results you need to
remediate a D or F, please see your counselor.
CSF Membership Applications are available in room 211.
Applications for membership will be accepted during lunch next week, March 7 -
11 in room 211.