Attention all students: The student store will be open after school! So stop by for a tasty
after-school snack every day!
you interested in a club, but don't know how to sign up? Come to Serra's Club
Fair on Wednesday October 9 at lunch in the library. Find out more about the
clubs here on campus and start getting involved!
Scholarship opportunity:
Cal State Long Beach offers the Presidential Scholars
Program which provides California high school seniors who are qualifying
valedictorian or National Scholars (National Merit Semifinalists/Finalists,
National Achievement Program Semifinalists/Finalists, and National Hispanic
Recognition Scholars) an opportunity to compete for an exceptional package that
includes: Full payment of in-state tuition and general student fees and
Paid housing in campus residence halls. Please see Ms. Turnberg for
Class of 2014 sunglasses will be for sale at the home football game tonight. Cost is $5.00 each. Please help support senior activities by purchasing your sunglasses.
Attention All Students: Are you monitoring your
attendance? Have you already racked up a LOP point? Saturday School is
TOMORROW! You must sign up in the Front Office Today in order to be
admitted to Saturday School tomorrow. This is the LAST Saturday School
session before Homecoming Rally. 8am Tomorrow, be there!