Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 19, 2013


Seniors, it’s that time of the year to start looking for scholarships.  This week we’re highlighting two with application deadlines coming up in early October.  Get the details of these scholarships on Naviance.  The first is the Wendy’s High School Heisman Award with a DEADLINE of October 2nd of 2013.  The next is the AES Engineering Scholarship with a DEADLINE of October 4th of 2013.  Start looking in Naviance for more scholarships.

Are you a freshman?  Would you like to join this year's ASB?  If so, get a Freshman ASB Application from your English teacher or download one from the Serra web page.  ASB Applications are due to room 411 by Wednesday September 27th. 

Does the Spanish language or Latin American or Spanish cultures interest you?  
Join the Spanish Club this Thursday at lunch.  Come to Room 418, Ms. Kilmer's room, to check it out.  We are planning our activities for the year, so come get involved! ¡Nos vemos allí!

Attention all students. Do you want to join a club that organizes projects and events focused on celebrating cultural diversity, anti-bullying, and drug and alcohol prevention? If so, join the leadership club here called ELEVATED. We meet every Thursday at lunch in Real Connections, room 230. Be the change you wish to see in the world, join ELEVATED today!

AVID Club has started again every Wednesday in room 217, everyone is free to join, we help students prepare for future tests such as SAT, ACT, and AP testing." 

ID Cards are ready.  If you had your picture taken on Tuesday's make up day or at orientation, your ID Card is ready to be picked up.  You may pick up your card today at the Attendance Window at lunch.

School Pictures:  If you ordered school pictures, they are now ready.  You can pick them up before school, during lunch or after school in the Finance Office. 

Key Club Membership opportunity Thursday, Friday, Monday, at lunch in Ms. Dreyer's room 417B.