Friday, May 10, 2013

May 13, 2013


Wanting to get you lisence? The last driving class of the school year is starting next week .  Golden State Driving School will be on campus today,  May,20th,  and June 3rd from 2:30 - 3:30.  For more information and sign ups, go to room 201 during lunch or afterschool. Space is limited so sign up today!!!

Want to help a good cause while doing something fun? Key Club is hosting a 6-hour dance marathon on Friday, May 31st from 4pm-10pm in the gym in order to raise money for Rady Children's Miracle Hospital. We are looking for students who are interested in helping fundraise for the cause by becoming a dancer for the event.  Being a dancer for the dance marathon is a  fun way to gain service and help a great cause. Find out more in room 417B.