Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 29, 2012


 Juniors/Seniors  who will be attending the National Hispnaic College Fair, please meet the chaperones on Monday, December 3rd at 8:45 a.m. in the North Parking Lot.  The National Hispanic College Fair is posted outside of the Counseling Bulletin Notices Window.    Please do not be late as the bus departs promptly at 9:00 a.m.  Until then,


Attention Circle of Friends club members- We will be having a peer friend training TODAY during WIT. Please get a form from Ms. Martin to get permission to miss your Advisory class that day. This training will be in the media patio. Please come with your questions and be ready for some helpful information. See you there. 

Attention Elevated members, there will be a meeting today at lunch in room 230. We'll be working on posters for our school-wide clothing drive, discussing our upcoming “Power of Youth” campaign with Farb students, and providing important updates about the “No Place for Hate” project.  See everyone at lunch in room 230!