The IMIN After School Program will be offering the FIRST Drivers Education Class of the year. Golden State Driving School will be on campus on Mondays, October 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 2:30 - 3:30. For more information and sign ups, go to room 409B during lunch or afterschool. Space is limited! Vázquez
Students who are enrolled in Ihigh must check in with Ms. Dreyer in Room 417B afterschool asap for orientation. Deadlines are critical.ATTENTION STUDENTS: The "IMIN" after school program in the Rec. Room is now open for after school fun. Stop by Room 409B and see what the program is all about. Other activities will be starting up soon. Keep your eyes open for upcoming activities and events!-Vasquez
Circle of Friends: If you are interested in joining the Circle of Friends club this year, please pick up an application outside of Miss Martin’s Room in the media center. Circle of Friends is a club that promotes acceptance and inclusion among students in special education. If you are looking to make a difference in another person’s life and would like to have lunch with a new friend, please consider joining this club. Club lunches will be Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. See Miss Martin for more details.