Attention all prospective cheerleaders! Please check your interview times for cheer posted outside of room 407. Please be prompt and bring necessary paper work.
ATTENTION STUDENTS: The Media Center will be closed all day today and tomorrow, including during lunch.The Opportunities After School Program will be offering the LAST Drivers Education Class of the year. Golden State Driving School will be on campus on Mondays May 7th, 14th, and 21st from 2:30 - 3:30. For more information and sign ups, go to room 409B during lunch or afterschool. Space is limited!
ATTENTION STUDENTS:Are you ready for the opportunity of your lifetime? ASB is now taking applications for next year's ASB Officers. You don't have to know anybody or anything about ASB to apply! Afraid of making speeches? No worries, the vast majority of offices in the ASB don't require you to make a speech. All you have to have to make it into next year's ASB is a giving heart an intense love for Serra High School and a driving passion to make it better. Pick up an application in the front office, the library, room 411 or download an application from the SHS website or ASB's facebook page!
Attention 9th & 10th graders: Are you interested in science & technology? Do you want to learn more about computer programing? Come register with Ms. Padilla in the Media Center for summer workshops with the San Diego Super Computer Center at UCSD!