Tryouts for the SAVE Swim Program will be held on Saturday March 3 at the City Heights Swim Center. Completion of this swim program will qualify students who are 16 years of age or older to apply for a lifeguard position with the city of San Diego earning between $11.98-14.44 per hour. See Ms. Turnberg for more information.- Turnberg
Club Revolution will be meeting today at lunch with young life and Monday at lunch in room 703. Snacks and pizza will be provided. Club picture is on Tuesday 2/28. Stop by room 703 for a pass to participate in the photo! Come for a fun time, See u then!
Club Green: Beach Clean up time!! Club Green is hosting another beach clean up. The beach clean up is at Ocean Beach on Sunday, February 26th starting at 8am till 10am. We are meeting at the end of Newport St by the pier. Come into Ms. Gerry's room , rm 701, to sign up and get more information. This is open to the whole school. Bring anyone you would like to help. Club Green also meets on Mondays at lunch in rm 701. Can't wait to see you there.