Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 20, 2012


Seniors! We're looking for your feedback on where to have Graduation 2012! Come voice your feedback next Wednesday during Lunch in the Theatre. Go Seniors!

Attention all Juniors: If you would like to volunteer to serve on a Senior Exhibition panel, please see Mrs. Byrd in Room 231 during lunch or after school. Senior Exhibitions will take place on January 25th and 26th from Noon to 3:00pm. We still need plenty of volunteers, so please consider helping out. This is a excellent way for you to support your peers and learn more about the Senior Exhibition project. Come to Room 231 and sign up today!

Need somewhere to study for finals? The Opportunities After School Program is offering tutoring in the Media Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30. Teachers will be available to assist students with homework. Bus passes and a light snack will ONLY be provided for students who participate.

REMINDER: Golden State Driving School will be on campus on Mondays January 23rd, 30th, and February 6th from 2:30 - 3:30. For more information and sign ups, go to room 409B during lunch or afterschool. There are ONLY 10 more spots for next weeks Drivers Education Class.


KEY CLUB: Key Club is selling American Apparel hoodies for $30! Normally they cost $46, but if you buy them through Key Club and you save $16!!!Come by Room 204 during lunch or after school to order before February 1st. They are available in 26 different colors.-Fore

Club Revolution will meet this Monday at lunch in room 703. You are invited to come for fun, and free pizza!".