The Opportunities After School Program will be offering the next Drivers Ed Class on January 10th, 24th, & 31st from 3:30 - 5:30 in the Computer Lab, located in the Media Center. HURRY, THERE ARE ONLY 15 SPOTS LEFT. Sign up in room 401 after school. More classes will be available in February, March, & April.-Vasquez
STUDY HALL is now available to ALL students! Every Tuesday and Thursday in the Media Center from 2:30 - 4:45 PM. Bus passes will be provided for those students needing transportation.-Vasquez
Freshmen! Are you struggling in your classes? Need help with homework, class work, or both? Get one-on-one tutoring during advisory or lunch with an awesome college tutor. Sign-up at the GEAR UP office in the Media Center with Miss Moreno. – Moreno
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: There is a class fundraiser at Souplantation in Kearny Mesa today. Don’t forget to pick up your flyer!-Schmidt
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CLASS OF 2012: The Distinguished Young Women Scholarship is open to ALL FEMALE high school juniors. You must be outstanding in academics, leadership, athletics or the arts, and involved in school and/or community activities, & interested in earning scholarships for college. Visit the scholarship section in the Serra Website or Log into Naviance for more details. Application deadline is Jan. 29, 2011.-Bobis
ATTENTION SENIORS: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to earn money for college. Check out the Serra Website or log into Naviance to see the latest scholarship opportunities. Scholarship Awards for the month of January alone range from $100 - $15,000.
Looking to apply for multiple scholarships with just a single application? Then the Common Scholarship application is what you need. Go to to download an application. Application deadline is Jan. 21, 2011
If you are planning to attend one of the colleges in the San Diego Community College District (City College, Mesa College, Miramar College, Continuing Education) a representative from Miramar College will be on campus next week Jan. 11th & 12th to walk you through the enrollment process. Sign up in the Counseling Center thru Friday, 7th. -Bobis