Seniors and Juniors: The second session of Night School for Social Science will begin on November
28th to February 2. Please see your counselor asap if you need to make up
a Social Studies credit. Night School will be with Mr. Demendonca in Room
605 from 2:30-5:00 each day except on Wednesdays.
It’s Mock Election time at Serra High! On Friday, November
4th Serra students will be participating in a Mock election for US President
and certain California ballot measures. 9th graders will be voting
in their English classes and 10-12th graders in their social studies
classes. Many of you are completing class projects to get ready- if you are not
check out the 200 hallway to learn more about the propositions you will be
voting on. Get in the spirit and get ready to practice one of your fundamental
democratic responsibilities: voting!