ATTENTION STUDENTS: Homecoming pictures are in! Stop by the Financial Office before school, during lunch, or after school to pick up your pictures.-Lee
GEAR UP College Tutors are available to help you with school work. TODAY, Tuesday and Thursday afterschool from 2:30-3:30 to the GEAR UP Office in the library!
Serra Students and Staff: TOMORROW IS COLLEGE WEAR WEDNESDAY! Support your favorite college or university and come by GEAR UP to enter our monthly drawing!
ROBOTICS TEAM kickoff meeting tomorrow during lunch in Room 226. Everybody interested in helping with this year's Robotics Challenge is welcome to attend. No prior experience necessary.-Uebel
Pong Club: Come to Ms. Gerry's room, rm 701, to select our club shirt design and to play some heated games of Ping Pong. See you there.
ATTENTION STUDENTS: We need volunteers for AP Club Super Saturday on November 5th in the Media Center. Come sign up in Mr. Turner's room at lunch.-Turner
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WOMEN'S TENNIS TEAM! THEY ARE HEADED TO CIF! With a record of 12 wins, 5 losses, they are the #4 seed and will play at home on Tuesday and Wednesday! Come out and support your tennis team. Nice going lady Q's!